Church is not a Sunday morning thing, and therefore we shouldn’t think of training and ministry mostly in terms of Sunday morning programs. Our children get to be in a community of believers who love each other deeply, live life together, support each other, and watch each other’s kids. It is often said that it takes a village to raise a child. We believe the best things for the discipleship of our children are 1) parents who are discipled well and realize they are the primary nurturers of their child’s faith. 2) The body of believers will play a supportive role in the child’s faith and will love them and model Christ to them in the normal rhythms of life.
Regarding how to incorporate children at each gathering is up to the leaders. Each home has the freedom to think through what would work best for their group. A gathering with a group of kids under 5 will look a lot different from a gathering that has only 2 teenagers. A guiding principle is that we want to value children. We don’t want to segment people out too much based on age. And we want the whole church to be interacting with each other. Where we can, we’d love to have kids engaged in gatherings. But more than anything, we want them to be engaged relationally. This might mean that when you spend time with other people in Servants Church, discipling them or just sharing life, you have the children around you as well, so that there can be more space for different age groups to live life together and to love one another.
Each parent has the say on whether their child is ready to be in the worship gathering with everyone else. We understand littles can be a handful. Currently children that are 4 and under will have a play space for them in another room. Two or more members of SC will be in charge of looking after the kids. A short Bible story will be shared but it is not what some may view as a traditional children's church. We want the parents to be the main disciplers of their children.
As previously stated parents/guardians are to be the main disciplers of their children. SC wants to help train families to be Biblically strong. Husbands will be trained in their role and wives likewise in order to form a strong team. Then training and resources will be available to help their roles as mom and dad. It's obvious in order to train up godly children then there needs to be a godly male and female role model in the home. If this is not available to the children then a member(s) of SC would take time to visit with the child/children and make a positive impact. Godly families are important and foundational. Servants Church wants to do everything possible to ensure families are Biblically healthy.